
楼主 |
发表于 2011-12-19 13:11:24
本帖最后由 up2jessie 于 2011-12-19 13:18 编辑
说明:非专业人士,出于对猫猫的爱完成。有不妥请欢迎更正!更多资料详情在三楼结尾给出,爱猫是美德,选料需谨慎 好多我都没听说过的也贴出来了,也许对其他人有用~
Chinchilla Chew Toys - Safe and Toxic Woods 就翻下大概的意思吧
When choosing wood for your chinchilla, care is required. Any wood collected to use for chewing should be absolutely pesticid-free, and not treated, glued or painted. 小心选择木材,对龙猫安全、可以啃的木材要绝对无农药、无加工(三合板Plywood 就不成)、无粘合和无油漆。
Collected wood should also be soaked in hot water, then dried. You can also purchase chew sticks commercially, such as these apple sticks from Cats and Rabbits and More. 选择的木材要在热水中浸泡,然后风干。也可以买专门给龙猫啃的小棒儿,比如苹果棒啥的。
The following lists of safe and toxic woods have been compiled from several chinchilla reference sites, to which I have provided links after the lists. The lists here are not comprehensive -- for more detail and wood types, see the references listed below. 一下是对龙猫好和不好的大部分木材名称,还有几个网站有兴趣瞧瞧。
Safe woods: 安全的
•apple 苹果树
•arbutus 杨梅树
•ash 水曲柳
•aspen 山杨
•bamboo 竹子
•blackberrry 黑莓
•blackcurrant 黑醋栗
•cholla 仙人掌
•cottonwood 杨木
•crabapple 海棠
•dogwood 山茱萸
•elm 榆树
•grapevine 葡萄树
•hawthorn 山楂
•hazelnut 榛树
•kiwi 猕猴桃树
•magnolia 木兰
•manzanita 石兰科常绿灌木
•mulberry 桑树
•pear 梨树
•pecan 美洲山核桃树
•pine - kiln-dried white 松-非烘干白色
•poplar 白杨木
•rose hip 玫瑰底部/玫瑰果
•sycamore 美国梧桐
•willow (but not white willow) 柳木(非白色柳木)
补充内容 (2011-12-23 11:21):
【更正】安全木料中:•pine - kiln-dried white 应为“松-烘干白色”谢谢waterlily807指正
原贴过时间就无法编辑只能添加补充了 |