1 chinchilla abscesses http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mv ... e=htm/bc/171507.htm
Abscesses in chinchillas may occur secondary to bite wounds or other trauma. Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus spp are the most common bacteria isolated. An abscess may remain hidden under the animal’s thick coat and only become evident after it ruptures. Ruptured abscesses should be expressed to empty remaining contents and flushed with antiseptic solution. Appropriate topical antibiotic creams may be applied as needed. Unruptured abscesses can be surgically removed and appropriate parenteral antibiotics administered. Abscesses removed surgically often heal better than those that are lanced, drained, and flushed.
chin排膿 (有一點血,不恐怖,其他不要看)
如果abscess不嚴重,用幾天antibiotic就可以了. http://hubpages.com/hub/Common-Chinchilla-Ailments
2 Fracture of the Metatarsus(腳板骨折)of cat 看下面那篇文章
http://local.petplace.com/Fractu ... Springfield_IL.html
3 如果chin只是“甩教/拗柴”,我不知道要多長時間才恢復.
以前看過一個case : 兩隻住在一起的degus(好像是),有一天打架,主人當天沒發現外傷,只是走路有點怪,幾天後,其中一隻degu一條腿出問題,跟上面 Fracture of the Metatarsus 描述的相似 : Lameness , Redness and Swelling of the foot , Pet not putting weight on the foot ,主人把受傷的degu放進小籠子,悉心照顧(沒詳細說),沒看vet,10天後degu的精神和胃口都變好,體重也回升,腳沒有紅腫了.
4 之前發過給你,最新的找不到.
宝宝最需要是拍一張rear foot 的x-ray,排除骨折.如果有膿可以做blood test(病情輕微就不用做),主要是評估身體的炎症有多嚴重.
如果有膿腫,發燒,就消炎止痛藥,可能要注射antibiotic,排膿與否由vet決定.膿液不用做細菌培養(參考上面 chin abscesses ),除非病情延誤了一段時間.
如果有骨折,就消炎止痛藥,注射antibiotic,夾板固定,critical care,probiotic.宝宝現在飲食還可以,所以不用注射液體Fluid therapy,但用antibiotic ,vet多數建議加用probiotic 和critical care,藥房有probiotic 和feeding syringe買,不知道網上有沒有critical care買.vet那裡當然有買,可能會貴些.
5 如果宝宝情況沒有惡化,精神和胃口可以,不要急於隨便找個vet,最好找個懂得醫龍貓的vet,因為麻醉和拍x-ray的不知道是否vet自己, 麻醉是有風險的,有經驗的vet用藥也比較可靠.
如果是那個come from hk 的dr. alfalfa (上次你哥哥的女朋友看過),建議最好轉另一個vet.
PS. 如果沒有骨折,可以試下: http://www.ontariochinchillas.ca/meetingnotes.php#checklist
Antibiotic cream (e.g. Neosporin) - topical anti-bacterial cream good for wounds, nicks, and scratches
[ 本帖最后由 prince 于 2010-8-15 02:41 编辑 ] |