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人家的經驗分享(by Natalie)
wet poops, charcoal is good for toxins, but if it's just a bunch of cardboard or a switch in pellets or whatnot that caused it, then remove all pellets and feed only hay, water, and shredded wheat (brand name, the kind with no sugar, found in any grocery store's cereal aisle). Charcoal you get from burning toast black, but it has to be jet black all over, dark brown isn't good enough. This makes a LOT of smoke, so get an extension cord and do it outside. You can also get accidophillus from any health food store, they're usually sold in capsules that you can break open and sprinkle on shredded wheat, most chins will eat it plain right off the shelf. It's a probiotic and is great at balancing out and fortifying a chins system after it's been all upset by something.
一般的軟便,我見老外是只喂timothy,停其他所有食物,包括草餅.有些人会喂一点burn toast,有些会喂accidophillus,应该是指乳酸菌(accidophillus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acidophilus)如果3天後病情沒好轉,甚至惡化,就要看医生.
Riedstra & Sons Chinchilla Pellets 的营养標籤太簡單,如果这些資料是完整的,那我覚得这个粮营养不全面.喂timothy 的龙猫,营养主要來自主粮.你家宝宝<2个月前应该主要吃母乳,到你家後,是兩种主粮混着吃,那宝宝是最近才單獨吃这个粮?
草餅不能放太久. |