我看我妈妈今天从宠物医院又拿回来些药,还是益生菌,但是今天多了一个像注射的玻璃的小瓶的东西,上面写着硫磺庆大霉素,(因为之前给她看病的医生也养龙猫,但是他出差了,这个给伊朵开这个庆大霉素的药的医生我不太放心),在网上查了下这个药,看不出龙猫可不可以吃。因为瓶子是打针用的那个小细玻璃瓶,我以为是要给她打针的,我妈妈说不打针,是给她喝的,DC老大,这个药龙猫能喂食么??我怕这种药药剂不好掌握,怕对她不好。作者: prince 时间: 2010-7-30 01:13
1. mouse & rat 抗生素使用表. http://www.rmca.org/Articles/dchart.htm
BRAND: GENTOCIN 40 mg/mL solution
Generics available 1 to 2mg/lb BID, SQ or IM
.025 to .05cc/lb, BID for 7 to 14 days Bactericidal, broad-spectrum antibiotic. Great for treating severe respiratory disease and secondary bacterial infections. Best used in combination with Cefa-Drops, Clavamox, or Amoxicillin. Can cause kidney damage, but it is not at all common, however, encourage the rat to drink plenty of liquids to be safe. Can also cause problems with the inner ear resulting in loss of coordination (also rare).
TOXICITY STUDIES: No toxic effects were observed in rats given gentamicin sulfate 9.09 mg/lb once daily for 24 days.
主要用於嚴重的呼吸道疾病和继發性細菌感染. (有需要時,我可以翻譯這段給你.)